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In “Bharat: The Rise of Aruvithara Clones,” the notorious scientist Chellapan has unleashed his clone army upon the world, aiming to bring about its destruction. These dangerous clones have established their base in the scenic village of Aruvithara, nestled within the breathtaking landscapes of Kerala. As Bharat IPS, a skilled and determined police officer, the fate of humanity rests in your hands. You must uncover the hidden locations of the clones and eliminate them before they wreak havoc on an unsuspecting world.

Basic requirements: 2GB GPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB SSD, Windows PC with good Processor.

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*This is not a commercial game. It was made in Unreal Engine 5, using Unreal Assets. It was made as a fun time activity. 

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Part 1 –

Part 2 –